Experiencing A Miracle (5)

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Experiencing A Miracle (4)

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Experiencing A Miracle (3)

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Experiencing A Miracle (2)

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Experiencing A Miracle (1)

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No More Suffering From Migraine with The Amazing RG & GL

Lingzhi Key Effects

Lingzhi is used very widely. According to the concept of Chinese medicine, Ganoderma Lucidum can penetrate into and work on the five key human organs, so it can be served for impairment of the heart, lung, liver, pancreas, and kidney. Ganoderma Lucidum can cure the sickness of various human systems including respiratory, circulatory, digestive, neural, endocrine, locomotory, etc, involving medical, surgical, gynecological, paediatric, and ENT. All these are because of its fundamental effect of "supporting the vital essence and securing the root", thus to improve the immune system. It differs from any other medicines that are used to cure specific disease, or supplementary nutrients that only address particular body requirements. Ganoderma Lucidum helps regulate entire body mechanism and metabolism to ensure that all organs function properly. Some specific effects of Ganoderma Lucidum are as following:

1. Effect on Tumor Main cause to the development of tumor is the disorder of or poor performing immune system. Ganoderma Lucidum can best regulate and activate the immune system. It prominently enhances the body immune function and increase self defense capability against tumor. Ganoderma Lucidum enhances the function of monocytic macrophage via activating synthesis of interleukin H. It also enhances blood synthesis capacity, particularly white blood cells level. Combining with the inhibitory effect on cancer cells provided by certain ingredients in Ganoderma Lucidum, it becomes one of the most effective medicines for anti-tumor, prevent cancer, and supplement to cancer treatment. Ganoderma Lucidum possesses hardly any toxic to human body. This unique feature of enhancing immunity without toxigenicity is the definite advantage of Ganoderma Lucidum over any other immune system intensifier.

2. Liver Protection & Detoxification Ganoderma Lucidum is able to protect the liver from damaged by various physiological and biological factors. Moreover, effect can be obtained either pre-or post-damage. Ganoderma Lucidum speeds up metabolism of both medicine and toxic substances in liver, leading to curing of toxicated hepatitis. Ganoderma Lucidum is also suitable for treating chronic hepatitis, effectively eliminating the related symptoms as dizzy, fatigue, and so on. Ganoderma Lucidum can be used to treat chronic toxicities, the various kinds of chronic hepatitis, and other hepatic diseases.

3. Effect on Cardiovascular Clinical studies and experiments with animals confirm that Ganoderma Lucidum can effectively dilate coronary artery, increase coronary vessel blood flow, and improve circulation in cardiac muscle capillaries, thus increase the supply of oxygen and energy to cardiac muscle. Therefore Ganoderma Lucidum helps to protect the heart from shortage of blood supply, and it is ideal for both curing and preventing heart diseases like nausea. Ganoderma Lucidum can obviously reduce the level of blood cholesterol, lipoprotein and triglycerides in hypertensive patients. It prevents the formation of arterial athermanous patches. If patches are already formed, Ganoderma Lucidum will reduce cholesterol in arterial wall and soften the blood vessel to avoid further damage. It also partially improves blood circulation, and inhibits platelet aggregation. All these effects contribute to preventing various kinds of stroke.

4. Aging Prevention. The polysaccharides and polypeptides found in anoderma Lucidum can effectively delay aging by the following mechanisms:

i. To enhance and regulate immune function. Such enhancement and regulation can effectively delay aging in adult and aged people. For the youngster, the immune system will be optimized to ensure healthy growth.

ii. To regulate metabolism and enhance synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. Research works have shown that Ganoderma Lucidum enhances synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins in blood plasma, liver, and bone marrow, hence effectively prevent aging. It is observed that the use of Ganoderma Lucidum to prevent aging benefits not only the aged, but also the young, since growth and development process will ultimately lead to aging.

iii. Effect on Free Radicals. One cause of aging is the reduction of self-originated antioxidant or antioxidant-like material (such as SOD) in the body. These antioxidants are essential for encountering damage to the body by free radicals. Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharides possess the properties that are very similar to SOD which can remove the free radicals and prevent its damage to the body by stopping over-oxidation of lipid. Such action protects the cells and delays their aging.

iv. Ganoderma Lucidum polysaccharides prominently enhance DNA synthesis in cell nucleus, and increase the number of cell divisions, which results in delayed aging.

v. Effect on Neurasthenia In Chinese medication, Ganoderma Lucidum has been used to treat neurasthenia and insomnia since it works on the central nervous system. Extract from Ganoderma Lucidum can inhibit and reduce the level of body activity. This inhibitory effect is quantitative and is helpful for resuming the order of activity level. The fact that Ganoderma Lucidum can delay the death as the result of over-dosage of a central stimulant such as caffeine demonstrates shows that Ganoderma Lucidum works on the central nervous system by applying an inhibitory effect. In ancient Chinese medical publications, Ganoderma Lucidum can serve to "stabilize emotion", "increase wisdom", and "enhance memory power". Recently, it is reported that Ganoderma Lucidum has prominent effect on insomnia caused by neurasthenia: Effectiveness is 87.14% to 100%.In general, effect becomes obvious after a period of 10 to 15 days, when sleep improved, appetite increased, and body weight gained. Related headache and dizzy will be reduced or stopped. Ganoderma Lucidum has a relatively strong effect on the central nervous system that makes Ganoderma Lucidum an effective substance for treatment of neurasthenia and insomnia. Ganoderma Lucidum is becoming more and more indispensable to the sufferers of neurasthenia and insomnia. To date, the effect of Ganoderma Lucidum on neurasthenia and insomnia has been clearly described and stated in the China State pharmacopoeia.

vi. Effect on Hypertension Ganoderma Lucidum can effectively reduce blood pressure of an anesthetized rabbit: systolic and diastolic pressure lowered by 15% and 25% respectively. Related neural activity is also inhibited: inhibition is 20% and 40% respectively. According to a report of a hospital, there had been 18 cases of high blood pressure successfully cured by Ganoderma Lucidum extract, effectiveness up to 88.9%. It was stated that the effect of reducing blood pressure by Ganoderma Lucidum was mainly the result of inhibition to the sympathetic nervous system. From another report, among 30 cases using Ganoderma Lucidum products to cure high blood pressure, effectiveness was 88.3%. Moreover, it was found that Ganoderma Lucidum also extends and stabilizes the effect of reducing blood pressure of other medicine.

vii. Treatment of Diabetes: The constitutes in Ganoderma Lucidum that reduce blood glucose are Ganoderma B and C. The principle is by enhancing utilization of blood glucose by body tissues. Ganoderma Lucidum serves as a substitute to insulin to inhibit release of fatty acids. It thus improves symptoms in high blood glucose and high urine glucose patients. Blood glucose will be reduced from 173 to 116, cholesterol from 233 to 179, beat-protein from 580 to 465. Water-solubility polysaccharides in Ganoderma Lucidum suppress insulin-independent diabetes. The health food products manufactured by Japan Numata Kenji, has been widely used for the treatment of diabetes.

viii. Effect on Chronic Bronchitis & Bronchus Asthma Ganoderma Lucidum can stop coughing, clear sputum, and suppress asthma. It also relieves the symptoms of the related illnesses. Since Ganoderma Lucidum can activate the immune system, it can prevent from flu, and thus above syndromes. Ganoderma Lucidum is particularly suitable for the treatment of the patients categorized as "cold and wet" by Chinese medicine, while for the "hot and dry" patients would be relatively less effective. The average effectiveness is 80%.

ix. Effect on Hyper Susceptibility When the body is invaded by an antigen that elicits immunological reactions and results the various abnormality and immuno-pathological symptoms, Ganoderma Lucidum can be used to suppress the reactions and resume the body order. The experiment shows that Ganoderma Lucidum can stop the release of hyper susceptible factors and prevent the development of allergic reactions. Therefore, Ganoderma Lucidum is relatively more effective over other current medicines when treating the illnesses caused by abnormal hyper-reactivity or autoimmunity such as allergic asthma, erythematous lupus vulgarize, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatic heart diseases, allergic rhinitis, skin diseases, etc. Ganoderma Lucidum can also help to cure the toxification patients as the result of pro-longed usage of hormones.

x. Effect on Beauty Care Ganoderma Lucidum has been named the "Medicine of Eternal Life". It is mainly contributed to the effect on skin protection, and delaying aging. Ganoderma Lucidum can retain and regulate the water in skin and thus can keep the skin elasticity, hydrated and smooth. It also inhibits the formation and deposition of melanin in skin. Today, the beauty care products made from Ganoderma Lucidum are becoming the new stars in the industry. Taking Ganoderma Lucidum food products will obtain synergistic effect. To add Ganoderma Lucidum into the bath will not only keep the skin smooth and lustrous, but also prevent it from bacterial infection.

In addition to the above effects, Ganoderma Lucidum stimulates blood synthesis in bone marrow and increase WBC level, which make it suitable for the treatment of low WBC symptom caused by over dosage of radiation and blood diseases, etc. By enhancing the body immune system, Ganoderma Lucidum can defend the body from viral infections like AIDS virus. Ganoderma Lucidum also promotes tolerance of the body to adverse environment. It suppresses over contraction of smooth muscle in uterus to remedy the functional uterine bleeding. Ganoderma Lucidum is also effective for the pigment denaturation in retina, the underdeveloped brain, as well as abnormal muscular development.

Ganoderma Lucidum is also an effective pain reliever for headache, neural pain, cancer pain, etc.

RG & GL - Effective Way in Coping Asthma

RGGL mixed powder -Saves me from Lung Cancer

Lingzhi and Cancer

Lingzhi and Cancer
"Cancer is a serious disease, but it is not always fatal. Patients have a good chance to recover."
The prestigious Japanese doctor, Dr Fukumi Morishige, M.D.,PhD., currently involved in the research of Ganoderma Lucidum (which he refers to as reishi ) in cancer control. He is a researcher at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science & Medicine an American institute. (This research facility has been awarded the most Nobel prizes). He also plays an important role in Europe's research medicine and is the only Japanese research doctor employed by the International Cancer Group. He made the following speech (edited slightly to account for translation difficulties) in 1987 detailing the effects of Ganoderma on certain types of cancer:
Dr. Fukumi Morishigi, MD, PhD:
” I have been a surgeon for 37 years and have performed numerous operations. I had a keen interest in surgery especially when I was young but gradually questions began to appear. I always felt that the ideal would be to induce the natural immunity power within oneself.
Being a surgeon, I had countless occasions to encounter cancer cases; however, the key to cancer control is in its early detection, which is easier said than done. About one in a hundred would be considered a good percentage.
Nowadays, regular physical check-ups is the trend and this is good practice, but we have to realize that one cannot let our guards down just because cancer was not detected at the time of check-ups. People often suspect the physicians of misdiagnosing when cancer is detected at a later date. This notion is incorrect as there are many undiscovered cases even with monthly check-ups. For example, certain types of stomach cancer. These are often the most difficult to detect and account for about 25% of the cancer cases. Therefore, prevention is equally important.
It is better to employ preventive measures in the case of cancer. But the problem is that there are no set or established methods for doing so. One can always rely on dietary control, but here again it is not a prescribed regimen. The best method at the present is reishi. I did not know of its amazing effects until after I had used it myself, and I was truly surprised. During my practice, I have obtained outstanding results using reishi either as preventive measures or during the course of treatments.
Reishi's tremendous effect warrants further studies:

Case Study:

In June of 1986, a 39 year old female came to me with lung cancer and complications of the chest wall membrane. She had been told by a number of hospitals and doctors that she could not be operated on. She was in a hopeless state. Upon returning home, her husband started to feed her reishi. After my examination, I was surprised by the results: Six months earlier she had edema in the chest cavity, secondary to cancer. When I examined her, the symptoms had completely disappeared. For a person who had already made her funeral arrangements and was awaiting death to discover there is hope for life is indeed incredible. Later, X-Rays presented an even better picture when I was going through her medical history. She insisted that this was the result of her husband giving her reishi. The edema had drained while the cancer tumor remained. On a rough calculation, this patient had used about 4 grams of reishi essence daily and this was quite a high dosage. We further undertook exploratory surgery and by using special freeze technique, it was possible to perform operations on her chest membrane cancer. Again looking at new X-Rays, no cancerous cells were found. Only scar tissues were evident, which were different from cancer cells. I did a biopsy of the lung tissues and detected malignancy, but it was stable.
The next case involved a child with congenital liver cancer. He had one operation when he was 5 years old and later, had his small intestines removed due to metastasis. The treating doctor felt that the patient's condition was terminal and stopped treatment eventually. The boy's parents brought the patient home and fed him reishi through an N.G. tube (Nasogastric tube). The boy came to me when he was 9 and I was unable to detect any diseases. Nothing was found in the CT scan examination as well. Congenital liver cancer is a form of juvenile carcinoma and I was much surprised that the patient recovered after just regular ingestion of several grams of reishi essence per day. He continues to take 2 grams of the essence daily. Even the boy knows that without the reishi he might not have survived the cancer. Juvenile carcinoma is usually fatal, and the fact that this patient remains alive and healthy with no physical ailments is truly amazing.

This fact now calls for new consideration on my part; when a person recovers from cancer by undergoing no other treatment but
reishi ingestion, it is obvious that reishi deserves further research. Furthermore, numerous observations have confirmed the fact that cancer patients are generally more susceptible to contract other diseases due to their lowered body resistance; however, after being treated with reishi, complications due to such infections are greatly diminished.
I have assigned random cancer patients to administer reishi essence with a control group of patients with other illness, e.g. arthritic rheumatism, chronic bronchitis, hepatitis etc., that is, people with lowered body resistance to diseases. Immunoglobulin test determines the level of immunity. We have found that after ingesting reishi, level of IgA, IgG, IgM have increased. This proves that reishi can elevate the body's resistance level.
At this time, I have 140 cancer patients. All have metastasis cancer except 6 with breast cancer and 60 are being hospitalized. We have zeroed in on these cancer patients. Up to today (Spring of 1988), about 300 patients have undergone testing.


Before I give case examples, I would like to unveil the secret of why reishi is so effective in the treatment of cancer. This conclusion is not fully understood at the present time and when it is, then, man will have found the ultimate cure for cancer. Employing all the latest medical technology, it is found that the polysaccharides in reishi are effective in suppressing cancerous cells. Japanese scientists are the first in making this discovery. Perhaps this had something to do with the fact that the country employs herbal medicine in treatment of diseases and conducts vigorous researches into polysaccharides. This fact is finally recognized in North America and is awaiting further findings from such Japanese researches.


Polysaccharides are made up of a high number of molecular components - up to millions of atoms and this makes it difficult to be absorbed into the human body system. In order to make it easily assimilated, its high count has to be lowered and using Vitamin C with reishi does just that. The polysaccharides are converted into oligoglucan that has a low molecular count and can be easily absorbed. It in turns stimulates the macrophage which triggers the immune system in our body. Macro meaning big. This type of cell can devour any foreign organisms. They are not active when the body is functioning normally, but, in the presence of foreign organisms (e.g., bacteria), they become very active in attacking such bacterial foreign matter. The white blood cells in the blood stream comprise the initial defense against diseases but they are ineffective in chronic cases or malignant types of matter, at which time, the lymphocyte becomes the second line of defense. Failing that, the last defense will be the macrophage - it is like a sleeping lion being awakened to attack with truly exceptional results! They are capable of sweeping away any foreign organisms, thus destroying the cancerous cells in the process. Under the microscope, the macrophage is observed to be one tenth the size of a cancer cell, yet, it possesses the power to destroy the latter. From this, we can understand the incredible value to the human body. However, the macrophage cannot be easily activated. We have found that aggregated atoms are responsible for this activation of the macrophage, and reishi contains the substance to manufacture these aggregated atoms.


Earlier a patient with high blood pressure had inquired into the effects of reishi. I had told him that there was certainly no harm in trying as I had conducted no research at that time. One fact is this: even a diluted dose of reishi essence lowers blood pressure. However this patient had maintained his blood pressure level after reishi ingestion. Following my suggestion to ingest Vitamin C together with reishi, his blood pressure dropped to an acceptable level. The reason for this is, as mentioned previously, reishi contains up to a million atoms and cannot be easily absorbed into the body; therefore, one should combine it with Vitamin C.
Seventeen years ago, I had conducted research into the Vitamin C's ability to break down polysaccharides. At that time, the method of viscosity gauge had been employed. In placing Vitamin C into a measure of polysaccharide substance, a decrease of the polysaccharides molecular count is indicated by a drop in the viscosity. This confirms Vitamin C's ability to dissolve polysaccharides.
Animal experiments have shown that all forms of sugar can be absorbed but is just the opposite in human, why? This has some correlation with Vitamin C - human body is unable to manufacture Vitamin C, while animals can. This is the reason why we need to combine the intake of Vitamin C with reishi.
New medical findings indicate that there is no harm in taking high dosage of Vitamin C daily. Dr. Linus Pauling, who is now in his 80's, ingests 18 grams of Vitamin C daily, and I ingest 12 grams a day. I believe a healthy person needs a supplement of 1 gram to 2 grams a day (1,000 - 2,000 mg). This can contribute greatly to one's well being.

Now let us look at some reishi usage case studies:


We have made many discoveries. Using brain disease patients as examples, one 70 years old plus patient in the hospital had a 5 cm brain tumor. He had already lost consciousness despite surgery. He began the reishi treatment around June of 1986 and by September, he had recovered his senses, but the size of the tumor had remained the same. However by December, the tumor had decreased in size, even the neurologist was amazed. The patient now feels very well. Initially he was administered 6 grams of reishi essence daily through a stomach tube. After the recovery of his senses, oral intake was administered. The patient did not like the bitter taste of reishi essence, so the amount was reduced to 3 grams. Although the dosage had been reduced, his brain tumor eventually shrunk to about 1 cm. With the return of his memory, he left the hospital and stayed home with the family instead.


I once treated a fifty plus female patient who had breast cancer. After her breast surgery, she had developed metastasic lung cancer. Later she deteriorated to hemoptysis. She began to use about 6 gm. of reishi daily for 6 months and the cancerous lung tumor disappeared. Before, she is often short of breath, but now she can walk up the stairs effortlessly. Therefore, she has complete confidence in the continuation of the reishi treatment.


This patient had breast cancer and the cancer cells had metastasized to the bones. She had not been able to move from the head down. The pain was excruciating. Luckily, her digestive system was not affected and she was able to take 9 grams of reishi essence daily which was later increased to 20 grams. In just 2 months, she felt no pain. She had been discharged from the hospital after she made progress in her walking ability.


Some time ago, this patient came to the hospital for treatment of metastasis of rectal cancer to the liver. He was given 6 grams of reishi essence. In 6 months, CT scanning reported that the cancerous tumor had decreased to about 1 cm in size, but the CT specialists did not believe in the merits of reishi and insisted that there was a mistake in the scanning. I was angered by this and argued that not only had the patient's CEA swelling come down but his general health had also improved. Was it not enough proof? Ordinarily, it is difficult to treat rectal cancers. Some cases are even terminal. This patient had such a smooth recovery which could only be credited to reishi. Generally speaking, it is easier to treat rectal tumors under 3 cm in size.


A 60 year old male pancreas cancer patient had surgery and was in a better state for a while, but later deteriorated. He had edema and lost weight. Examination results revealed that he had extremely high count of CA19-9CEA. I informed him that with his present treatment he would die within a short period of time. I advised him to be hospitalized. Due to financial reasons, he was given another kind of medication but he reacted unfavorably to it. Therefore, we had to change his treatment to 9 grams of reishi essence orally and 30 grams of Vitamin C through intravenous injection daily. This began from August of 1986 which was over 1 year ago. The patient had since completely recovered and various examinations could not detect symptoms of any kind. He has gone back to work but continues to take 5 grams of reishi daily. He comes for a follow-up examination every 2 weeks and repeat CEA examinations show that his CA19-19 count continues to drop.
There are many more such cancer cases in my hospital. Although cancer cases involving the brain, lungs and liver are more serious, I feel that it is easier to treat than the cases involving the digestive organs. It is harder for the patients of the latter to ingest reishi orally.
Besides cancer, reishi is also very effective in the treatment of hepatitis. With the use of 1 gram to 3 grams of reishi essence daily, hepatitis patients will have tremendous recovery results.


One patient had hepatitis for a few years and his SGOT & SGPT count was 200 - 300. Normal range is under 30. I administered 3 grams of reishi daily and in about 2 -3 months his SGOT & SGPT dropped to around 50. Even this is still higher than normal, however continuous use will bring it in range. During this time, I asked him to stop using reishi and immediately the count shot up to between 150 - 200. The count dropped when treatment resumed, thus proving the effect of reishi on hepatitis. A combination with the use of Vitamin C is essential. Under these conditions, 6 grams of Vitamin C is needed, i.e. 3 grams of reishi essence with 6 grams of Vitamin C. We must understand that hepatitis is a chronic disease and relapse is ever present. It is necessary to continue the intake of reishi (using smaller dosage) even after one's recovery from hepatitis. Prevention is always the best measure.
Reishi is just as effective against other chronic diseases and optimum results are obtained when combined with the intake of Vitamin C; especially true for long term prevention use.
In conclusion, reishi has been proven to exert a significant effect on diminishing pain, fortifying the body's immune system and prolonging life. Even though this sounds heartening, its role in cancer control has not been determined 100 percent yet. Medications presently employed to combat cancer have their effect but unfortunately these also produce serious side effects. reishi have a history of 3,000 years, during which time it is widely used by many people with no reported unfavorable side effects. I therefore recommend reishi for treatment and prevention as a safety measure. I hope that people from all walks of life will take a concerned interest and share in this project. Hopefully, in the very near future, reishi can bring a brighter outlook to the human race in the conquest of longevity.

Book Review - Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer

Publisher's review of the book by Neil SolomonAdd Image
Pleasant Grove, Utah: Woodland Publishing, 1998. 101 pages with bibliography
This book reports findings from Dr. Solomon's research of both scientific and anecdotal information about the noni fruit. In his research, he interviewed more than 40 doctors and other health professionals who had gathered data from over 8,000 patients who had used or were using Noni. The results, he claims, were impressive. According to his survey, Noni helped 78 percent of those who took it for one or more problems.
The study showed that noni appears to be safe for pregnant and nursing mothers. Noni can be taken with all medications. The survey showed no negative interactions. Rather in some cases noni permitted other medications to act more efficiently, allowing a decrease in the dosage of the medication. The following table reports the conditions helped by noni and the percentage of people who had results.

Number of

Subject in Study
% Who
Heart disease
Diabetes, Types 1 and 2
High blood pressure
Fuzzy thinking
Mental acuity

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Disclaimer: The information contained on dxntestimonial.blogspot.com should not be used to alter, or used as a substitute for medical therapy without your doctor's advice. For some specific health problems consult your doctor for advice and guidance.

